Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The last week in the Abacos

 Hello everyone,
The last day of our stay at Treasure Cay included the children taking a remarkable step and signing up for their first Scuba lessons!  They all thought at the beginning of the trip that they would not like scuba but after hours of snorkeling they decided they needed more!!  Brent at Treasure Divers seemed like an amazing instructor so we signed up for pool lessons to be followed with an ocean dive for all who were old enough and passed the pool piece of the lesson.  Meet our new son....  Donald Duck and our daughters with gills....

Everyone did an amazing job learning their pool scuba and would have been able to go out for an ocean dive except that mother nature had other plans.  A lightning storm came through and turned the sea very choppy and the instructor was not comfortable taking them out.  We waited patiently hoping to get out on Sunday morning but the storm continued so the kids were not able to get out for their first open water dive.  It didn't matter - they were so excited that they had actually done Scuba and now want to get certified.  I hope we can follow through on that once we get home.

We treated ourselves to a Bahamian Barbecue at the Bahama Beach Club that night and  enjoyed dancing to a Rake and Scrape Band!

Saw and a knife!!!What a great sound!

(bad tan lines = Glamour don't)

 We made sure to take a long walk on Sand Dollar Beach and we were pleased to find so many sand dollars.  Now the challenge will be getting them home in one piece!!

After we left Treasure Cay we continued our northern course through the Abacos.  We had a very smooth trip through Whale Cay Cut and arrived in Green Turtle Cay for the final visit.  Memories of our first two visits there in May came back and we missed our friends from "Morgan" and "Mango Groove"  and Oma/ Opa very much.  We stayed at the Bluff House Marina for the night across from the Green Turtle Club.  Emily treated us to a yummy dinner of Mexicali Mac and Cheese - a recipe she found and cooked without any help from anyone!  Thank you Emily!

We did a bit more diving off Powell Cay for sea life - Jay always finds the best starfish!

We knew we were seeing some of our favorite spots for the last time on this journey so we were all feeling a bit sad but the excitement of the crossing was looming ahead.  The weather was cooperating nicely so we kept moving north.

We stayed one more night on Spanish Cay and saw many barracuda and sharks which kept us out of the water!  Patrick and the whole family were treated to a tour of the 150 foot Richmond Yacht named Status Quo - owned by Don who owns and operates Spanish Cay.  The captain was a great guy who heard Patrick asking about seeing the ship.  It was an experience no one will ever forget.  Thank you Captain !

After an overnight on the anchor at Alan's Pensacola and yet another windy thunderstorm, we began the journey out of the Abacos and across Little Bahama Bank to Lucaya on Grand Bahama Island.  The sunrise was a nice surprise after the storm we had the night before.

It was a four hour journey but we arrived by lunch time on Wednesday June 29th.

Lucaya is not far from Freeport but it is more of the hotel and resort area.  It was very crowded and commercial.  A big, no HUGE change from the Abacos but it was a treat to see something like this.  We swam and used the beach at the Radisson and even splurged on taking a tour on a Banana Boat!!

We enjoyed some local shopping and the prices on food were also a nice change for us!  We decided we would cross back to the states on Saturday, July 2nd - Hannah's 13th Bday!!!!

Will write again once we arrive back home!
Happy Fourth of July to everyone.

Gail, Jay and the entire gang

Monday, June 27, 2011

"Per Diem Crew Helps Land Record Blue Marlin in Bahamas!"

Wow, it's been a week since our last post!  Time seems to be flying by as we prepare to start making our way  back toward West Palm Beach.  We've had a great week though with a couple stops at two different marinas.

After spending Father's Day in Settlement Harbor at Nippers and Grabbers' (two of our favorite beach bars), the Welsh's moved on to a relatively new marina that Jay wanted to see.  It's called Bakers Bay and it's a massive, high-end development that is covering some 500 acres on the northern tip of Great Guana.  The resort is still under construction (they started 6yrs ago), but what is done is spectacular.  Beautiful architecture, infinity pool, indoor gym, excellent restaurant and fun bar down by the water.  The marina is a man-made basin that has 200+ slips and includes a specific "mega-yacht island".  The development is comprised of multi-million $ homesites and they are catering to celebrities and the ultra-rich.  Recent celebrities on the island included Derek Jeter, A-Rod, Jay Z, Beyonce, Matt Damon and Charlie Sheen (too bad we missed Charlie - now that would have been a party!).  No celebrity sightings while we were there, but the place was beautiful.  The staff was gracious and hospitable and you felt special just stepping off your boat onto their beautiful property.  If you're interested in buying a multi-million dollar getaway in the Bahamas, google "Bakers Bay".  You'll love it (man, I should be getting a commission, eh?).

From Bakers Bay, we took a short ride across the Sea of Abaco to another resort marina called Treasure Cay.  We had been there a few weeks ago and met our friends the Duckworths.  It was such fun, we figured we would stop in again for a night or two.  As we called in on the radio to get a slip we learned that Treasure Cay was hosting the final leg (of three) of the Bahama's Billfish Tournament.  This is a tournament that included ~40 BIG sportfish boats duking it out for big fish, big money and bragging rights.  As we pulled into the marina basin, we stopped for fuel right behind an enormous Rybovich sport fish boat called "Double Dog".   Really nice boat and a good bunch of guys.   Later in the day, we saw Double Dog again as they were docked in the slip just behind us at the marina.  Little did we know that we would soon be part of history...

After fueling up, we left Double Dog and motored through the boat basin to our slip and proceeded to see 3-4 turtles right beside our boat!  Emily was ecstatic to finally see some turtles up close!  One was probably the biggest turtle we had seen on the trip.  After watching the turtles for a while we pulled into our slip and Emily proclaimed this to be "the BEST day of my life!".  Great stuff!

But back to history in the making...

The marina was hopping given the fishing tournament and we all had fun the first day in Treasure Cay.  Day one of the tournament was uneventful, but the second day was apparently a great day for fishing.  One of the boats ("Midnight Blue") radioed in that they had caught a blue marlin that was a "keeper".  Now we did not know one thing about billfish tournaments when we arrived, but we soon got the low down from some of the anglers.  Apparently, billfish tournaments are all catch and release unless a boat catches a fish that beats the previous biggest fish caught that year.  Thus for a boat to bring in a "keeper" in this tournament it had to be more than 115 inches long.  Well "Midnight Blue" caught one that was just a bit longer than that and we all went down to the dock to see them pull a big blue marlin out of the boat at the weigh station.  It was very exciting and breathtaking to see the crew celebrating and the crowd cheering what was sure to be the winning fish.  It was 551 pounds!

As the excitement wore down, we learned that all the boats were in for the day except for one - Double Dog.  Double Dog had hooked into a big blue and was still fighting it.  Low and behold a couple hours after every other boat was back, Patrick sighted Double Dog coming into the marina - with a blue marlin flag on the outrigger!  We all raced to the weigh station to see them pull out the biggest blue marlin ever caught in the Bahamas!!!  It weighed 1119 pounds and this thing was ENORMOUS!

The place went wild and afterward the captain of Double Dog was quoted saying "it was a great fish and a great fight by a great crew, but we really couldn't have done it without the Per Diem crew behind us."

It really was quite exciting to see such a record breaking fish and suffice it to say we had a great time at Treasure Cay and the Billfish Tournament! 

Before we left Treasure, we had one more exciting experience, but we'll leave that for our next post.  We are on to Green Turtle for a day or two before continuing our trek north.

Hope everyone is well.  We continue to have a lot of fun, but are looking forward to seeing everyone back home soon!

Take care,
The Welsh's

Credits:  Journalist:        Jay Welsh
              Photographer:  Gail Welsh

Monday, June 20, 2011

Sunday June 19th - Father's Day!!

Hello everyone,

I write to you from Guana Cay, home of Nipper's and Grabber's - two very popular spots in the Abacos.  They both remind me a bit of the Beachcomber in Wellfleet but better!!  We have had a very fun but hot week in the Bahamas.  We left Hopetown on Wednesday and went to Tahiti Beach and Lubber's Quarters to celebrate the full moon.  The water was calm and clear and everyone went to Cracker P's for the full moon party.  We had a great time too!  They served a Bahamian Buffet and all the kids were in heaven. When Patrick woke up on Thursday he told me he dreamt about the buffet and that he had marshmallow pie with cream cheese frosting.  (I think maybe the aren't getting enough food!)

We snorkeled at a wonderful spot called Sandy Cay and had the most amazing experience.  Emily was not feeling right and wanted to stay in the dinghy.  We tied up to a mooring and splashed into the water above an amazing reef where the fish and coral were brilliant.  We kept checking on Emily who was very happy to sit in the dinghy and be our lookout.  One other boat in the area reported seeing a baby hammerhead shark but we never saw it.  Those rumors were enough to keep Emily out of the water but she was very lucky and spotted an eagle ray and pointed to it for us.  Hannah and I followed it and I was able to get a picture even though it was about 20 feet below us.

Patrick went back to the dinghy to rest with Emily and they started yelling "turtle"!!  We were able to follow it and take some wonderful photos and video as we got closer.  He seemed to be posing for us!!

We think we have seen it all now!!
Gail and everyone

Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday June 13th - and it is not my birthday anymore..

Hello everyone,

It was a great birthday weekend!  Thank you to everyone for all the Facebook posts and emails.  It was great to hear from so many friends!  We had a great week and ended it in Hopetown at Hopetown Hideaways.  This has become a favorite spot for us.  As I write this post from my hammock near the pool I can hear the crowd at Bingo Night across the harbor at Cap'n Jacks!  Bingo is obviously a multi-national sport!

We spent a few nights in Little Harbor on a mooring in a beautiful marine park - home to Pete's Pub/ Gallery and Foundry.  Randolph Johnston began a foundry in this spot back in the 50's making bronze sculptures using the 'lost wax process'.  (He came from the Boston area!)  His son Pete now runs the show along with a wonderful fellow from Algeria named Richard.  I met Richard while hiding from the children at the pub!  (really, I was)  It is a wonderful place built like a fort right on the beach.  There is no floor, just sand and one of their mottos is 'where the elite eat in their bare feet."  Anyways, Richard was sitting in the adirondack chair next to me and when he saw me duck he laughed and asked about our trip.  I didn't know that he was the foundry boss but he started to talk to me about his life sailing around the world for 20 years and about working for Randolph.  He offered to give us a tour of the foundry the next morning.  It was amazing! We saw first hand how the sculptures are made using a process that dates back thousands of years to ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome.  We were absolutely fascinated at the operation and couldn't leave without making a small purchase... meet our turtle whom we have named... Richard!

That evening held much excitement and if the video posts, please take a moment to watch.  We were playing cards in the cockpit of the boat when we heard some splashing behind us.  Hoping for more dolphins or turtles we quickly dropped the cards and looked out.  We had no idea what was swimming in the water but there were many small looking shark like creatures zipping all over the place - especially under the dinghy.  We called them sharks but now we know they were not sharks.  They were ramoras which attach themselves to large sea mammals for a ride and a meal.  A bit like a drive thru?
They would hurt a lot if you got bit by one but they are scary because if ramora are around then usually their hosts - large predator sharks are around as well!  Needless to say, we skipped the midnight swim....

The video will not load but I will keep trying!  Sorry

The weekend was full of some great body surfing and then snorkeling.  I think I have become a bit more proficient with the underwater camera and everyone is getting better with their snorkel and mask!  The kids and Jay saw a stingray but I did not get a photo of it.  I did get a picture of these beautiful Blue Tang fish.

The weather continues to be a bit of a guessing game.  Some days the wind blows from the west and the seas are really crazy.  Today, there wasn't a bit of a breeze and so the ocean was as calm as a lake.  It made for a very hot day as well.

We have planned our trip home and will be heading north by the end of next week.  We are taking our time going back to some of the cays that we skipped on the way down.  We plan to be back on the Big Bahama Island by the holiday weekend so that we will have a window to wait for good weather for our crossing.  We will be flying back to MD on July 9th if all goes according to plan.  We shall see what the weather brings!  The kids are happy that we have a plan but they can't believe we only have three weeks left.  Everyone from home has asked if it feels like the trip has gone by quickly and the answer to that is not simple.  We have done and seen so much that it feels like we have been away longer than we really have but it seems like we just left yesterday!  I know that doesn't make any sense but it's the honest answer!

Good luck to everyone with the end of the school year.  We plan to wrap up our home/boat school this week.  It will be nice to have all that work behind us but the kids have taken their school work very seriously and Jay and I are really proud of them!

More again soon....
Much love,
The Welsh Family

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Jersey Shore Episode - "Snooki and The Situation Party in the Abacos" (A visit from the Jones' 6/3-6/6)

Friday, June 3rd

We made it back to Marsh Harbor after Patrick and Jay returned from their great day of fishing a bit late but it was sooooo worth it!  Thank you again, LeighAnne, Jamie, Will, Jett and Stumpy!!

When we arrived back at Marsh Harbour, we found Snooki and The Situation signing autographs at the local watering hole next to the marina (ok, it was actually Eugene and Susan our friends from New Jersey enjoying a few drinks on the deck).   It was great to see them waving as we pulled into Harbor View Marina and it seemed like it was just yesterday that we had seen them.  They came with some greatly needed supplies from the states - People Magazine, Star, you know - the essentials.

We shared our fish for dinner by the pool and planned the weekend.  They were very eager to get out on the water with us and we couldn't wait to show them some of our favorite spots.  Off we went to Hope Town for a night on the mooring.  As evening came around, Eugene definitely had some fishing in mind and decided to test the waters behind the swim platform of the boat.  Hannah was sitting on the swim platform and more than a bit surprised when Eugene landed a fish.  As Eugene tried to get it off the hook, it swung across the boat and hit her right in the back!  At which point she exclaimed "Did you just hit me with a fish??!!"  She said it felt like a massage as it flopped around on her back.  Quite a funny moment.

We spent Saturday exploring Hope Town and did some wonderful snorkeling right off shore near "two pilings" - a local spot not far from the town dump.  Who knew you could create a snorkeling reef by just sinking some old cars and a barge?  The fish were big and there were lots of them!  We also saw a very large lobster but since it's not the season for catching them yet, we let it live.

We had a great lunch at Cracker P's on Lubbers Quarters (yes Doug, we finally made it there)!  It was wonderful and we plan to return next week for their Full Moon Party.  The dogs of the restaurant helped entertain the children - Emily held back a bit but do you blame her?  Memories of Taco linger......

Sunday was another beautiful day on the water.  We left Elbow Cay and headed to Guana with a short stop in Man-O-War but since it was Sunday we knew the island would be closed.  After heading out of the channel Eugene the fishing God  knew something was swimming nearby.  He dropped a line in and within seconds had a bite.  Personally, I think the skills of our captain contributed but I'll let them argue that until Fantasy Football season starts again.  Anyways, he landed a beauty - a 13 pound mutton snapper....And Hannah ducked!  Since we weren't planning to cook that night, Eugene reluctantly let him live.

Since it was Sunday and there was nothing else to do, we brought our friends to Nippers for the Pig Roast.  They hated it.  Won't ever go back.  (We couldn't get them to leave!)

It was very sad to go back to Marsh Harbor and let them go back to their hotel and get ready for an early morning flight.  We kept them as long as we could and even had the guest dolphin appear behind the boat to end their weekend in the Abacos!  Eugene was the only one with a camera when the dolphin came by so we will wait for him to post it.  It was quite a sight to see all of us running up and down the dock following a dolphin and her babe.  So much fun!!  Susan learned how to blow the conch horn - well done!!

Thank you so much for coming to visit Eugene and Susan.  See you this summer!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Where in the heck is Abaco?

(Written by Jay)

So I've had a few folks ask "Where is Abaco?" or "What island are you going to in the Bahamas?".  To answer that question I thought I would pull out some charts (or maps to you landlubbers) and see if I could show everyone where we've been.

The Abacos is made up of about 80 islands and cays (pronounced "keys") in the northern section of the Bahamas (about 75 miles northeast of Nassau).  The main island is called Great Abaco and that is where Marsh Harbour is located.  Marsh Harbour is the largest town in the Abacos and the third largest in the Bahamas.  It has been our jumping off point for trips to many of the smaller cays and where we've gone to resupply.  The really cool places to visit though are the little cays that run in a line on the eastern side of the Sea of Abaco.  Over the past month, we've been to many of these cays and they are all unique.  Some have little towns, some just a few vacation homes and some are uninhabited!  Almost all of them have great waters, beautiful beaches and neat sea life.

The picture below is a chart with red arrows on the places we've visited.  My apologies if it's tough to read the chart, but hopefully you can get a feel for the area we are cruising.

The picture does not include our first two stops which are a bit west of this area.  They were West End on Grand Bahama Island (near Freeport) and then Great Sale Cay.  I did this over a week ago and since then, we've been to several more places - including Powell Cay, Manjack Key and Treasure Cay so I'll have to keep adding red arrows to our chart!

Hope that everyone back home is well and look for more blog entries soon!

The Welsh Family

Fishing with Stumpy!

(Written by Jay)
Pizza Night at Treasure Cay ended with Jamie and LeighAnn inviting Jay and Patrick to go fishing in the morning.  Jamie had hired a local fishing guide to take them fishing throughout the week and Friday was the last day that their guide "Stumpy" was available to go out fishing on the reef.  We gratefully accepted and Patrick and Jay met Stumpy, Will and Jett bright and early the next morning.  Stumpy was a local from Coopers Town who had been fishing these waters his whole life.  He picked us up in a small center console fishing boat and we were off on our adventure!

It was a perfect day for fishing...except for the wind.  It was blowing hard out of the East (and had been for nearly a week).  This created 4-5' swells on the ocean and some pretty big waves heading through Whale Cay Passage to get out to the reef.  We had taken our boat through Whale Cay Passage a couple days before in similar conditions and had seen a few "nuts" going out in small fishing boats.  Today, we were the nuts!  Despite the rough seas, we had an awesome time.  Stumpy was a great guide who got us to the fish (how he can look down through 50' of water and know there are fish down there is beyond me!) and Patrick caught his first triggerfish!
Just caught - Patrick and his triggerfish!

Patrick & Stumpy!

Everybody caught at least one keeper (Triggerfish, Pogey, Strawberry Grouper) but our biggest thrill came just before we were preparing to head in.  Jett  hooked into something big and he and Will took turns pulling in a big Amberjack (probably 30+ lbs)!  It was quite the fight and took a good 20min to land him!  When we got back to the dock, Stumpy filleted all the fish and Patrick and I left with more than enough fish for dinner.
Stumpy, Will, Jett, Patrick and Jay with the big one that did not get away!

That night we grilled up the fresh fish and we enjoyed it with all of our friends at the marina.  It was also a great way to welcome our friends the Jones' who flew down from New Jersey for a visit!  Look for an upcoming post on our time with the Jones'.

Jay grills the day's catch!

Treasure Cay - Wednesday June 1 - Friday June 3

Hello everyone!
We went to Treasure Cay which is actually in the center part of Great Abaco, not it's own island.  It is a vacation spot that many other cruisers have talked about and we think it is where the Hamlins from Hopkinton came in April.  (Pam did I get that right?)  We anchored in the harbor the first night and welcomed the sunset with our own conch horn that everyone has mastered - (well almost everyone.)  We explored the resort the next day and went to the beach which is a gorgeous stretch of 3 mile white sand and blue surf.

There was a volleyball net setup near the beach club and Hannah and Patrick began a game of Nuke-em, a favorite game at Elmwood School.  Very quickly, another family joined us and by the end of the day we had at least 30 people playing!  The other family was visiting from Georgia, with their beautiful dog named Taco!  He looked just like the Chihuahua  from the Taco Bell commercials - thus his name!  LeighAnn (the Mom) and her husband Jamie, son Will and his friend Jett, have been coming to Treasure Cay for years.  More about them later.  Of course, our team triumphed and the day was quite a success.

After a couple of games, Emily and the kids were quite taken with Taco and started playing with him, for a while at least, until Taco got tired of them and took a chunk out of Emily's finger!  Luckily he didn't do much harm but Emily was very angry!  LeighAnne, felt so bad that we spent the afternoon talking and they were just the nicest people.  They own two condos there at Treasure Cay which we visited later in the day and now can rent if anyone is interested!  They even asked us to bring the boat into their slip since no one was using it.

It was a great evening at Treasure Cay.  It was Thursday and we learned that Thursday is Pizza night and I think everyone within a 100 mile radius comes to pizza night!  We ordered pizza and it really made us miss the good pizza we can get at home but it hit the spot for now!

Friday was supposed to be our day to get back early to Marsh Harbor and prepare for the Jones' to arrive from New Jersey but a surprise was handed to us instead.....

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Diving For Sea Biscuits! Powell Cay

Hello everyone!

Today is Wednesday June 1st.  We are back in Marsh Harbor re-stocking the boat and taking a break from a Northeast wind that has churned up the Atlantic and The Sea of Abaco a bit.  We spent a few nights out on the anchor in a beautiful spot called Powell Cay where we found treasures galore right under the boat!  The water was crystal clear and calm as could be.  You could see straight down to the sandy bottom (about 8 feet deep) and we spied Sea Biscuits - in all sizes.  The kids could not be stopped!  They put on their snorkel gear and began diving to bring them up to examine closer.  We have learned that if the Sea Biscuit is black and covered with shells, it is still alive and feeding from the shells.  All the ones we saw were in different colors of white and grey which means they were not alive.

Some were so brittle that they broke in our hands but many made it up for viewing!

We cleaned them with water and Clorox and now have an amazing collection that I'm sure we will be sharing once we get home!

Later in the day we met aboard Mango Groove with our friends from Florida, British Columbia, and Germany for an evening party.  The sunset was amazing and Christina did not disappoint us - she took out her Whelk shell and welcomed the sunset in island fashion!  It is a custom in the Bahamas that as the sun goes down you take out your horn made of either Conch or Whelk and blow a beautiful deep sound!

We are anxious for Friday to come as our friends from New Jersey - the Jones' are coming to see us for a few days!  See you Friday Susan and Eugene!!

Love to all and Happy June - the best month of the year.
Gail, Jay, Hannah, Emily and Patrick

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Saturday May 28,2011 Man O' War Cay and Green Turtle

Hello everyone and Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
We hope the sun is out at home for all of you getting your first glimpse of summer!  We are back in Green Turtle Cay taking advantage of free docking for a few nights.  Great special here that they will give you credit in their restaurant and pub equal to your docking fee so that makes the docking free in our eyes!

We went grocery shopping yesterday and the best stores here for that are in New Plymouth so Patrick drove me in the dinghy across the island from White Sound to Black Sound so we could be at the grocery stores when the mail boat arrived with fresh produce for everyone!  He makes a wonderful taxi driver, don't you think?

After we made our purchases and ate as many grapes and apples as we could get our hands on, we went to visit a small shop where a local man named Vertrum Lowe builds model ships.  He is a very famous Bahamian who has a prosperous yet humble business building model sail boats and replicas of the old sponging ships used in the Bahamas when the sponge industry was a boom.  We admired his work for quite a while and he was very kind to let us take some photos.

We might have to go back and buy something for our home since we were so impressed with his work.

Earlier in the week, we left Hopetown and the beautiful marina called Hopetown Hideaways, and went to Man O' War Cay for a night.  It is a beautiful place where the local businesses are mostly boat building and repair as well as a sail shop that sews handmade bags of all shapes and sizes.  The women there work from 7 am until 4pm making bags.  Emily was drawn to this place like a fly to the flame!  We had a lot of fun shopping and talking with them about their business.

The other excitement in Man-O-War was the sea life.  We were visited by turtles, dolphins and rays (oh my!)  Emily told me after she saw the dolphin swimming around the dock that it was "the best day of her life"!  So glad she didn't move in with the Pearsons and Feathers as she planned!!

We are off to Powell Cay today to meet some friends and anchor for a couple of days.  We will be back
after the Holiday weekend. 
Love to all,
The Welsh Family