Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Jersey Shore Episode - "Snooki and The Situation Party in the Abacos" (A visit from the Jones' 6/3-6/6)

Friday, June 3rd

We made it back to Marsh Harbor after Patrick and Jay returned from their great day of fishing a bit late but it was sooooo worth it!  Thank you again, LeighAnne, Jamie, Will, Jett and Stumpy!!

When we arrived back at Marsh Harbour, we found Snooki and The Situation signing autographs at the local watering hole next to the marina (ok, it was actually Eugene and Susan our friends from New Jersey enjoying a few drinks on the deck).   It was great to see them waving as we pulled into Harbor View Marina and it seemed like it was just yesterday that we had seen them.  They came with some greatly needed supplies from the states - People Magazine, Star, you know - the essentials.

We shared our fish for dinner by the pool and planned the weekend.  They were very eager to get out on the water with us and we couldn't wait to show them some of our favorite spots.  Off we went to Hope Town for a night on the mooring.  As evening came around, Eugene definitely had some fishing in mind and decided to test the waters behind the swim platform of the boat.  Hannah was sitting on the swim platform and more than a bit surprised when Eugene landed a fish.  As Eugene tried to get it off the hook, it swung across the boat and hit her right in the back!  At which point she exclaimed "Did you just hit me with a fish??!!"  She said it felt like a massage as it flopped around on her back.  Quite a funny moment.

We spent Saturday exploring Hope Town and did some wonderful snorkeling right off shore near "two pilings" - a local spot not far from the town dump.  Who knew you could create a snorkeling reef by just sinking some old cars and a barge?  The fish were big and there were lots of them!  We also saw a very large lobster but since it's not the season for catching them yet, we let it live.

We had a great lunch at Cracker P's on Lubbers Quarters (yes Doug, we finally made it there)!  It was wonderful and we plan to return next week for their Full Moon Party.  The dogs of the restaurant helped entertain the children - Emily held back a bit but do you blame her?  Memories of Taco linger......

Sunday was another beautiful day on the water.  We left Elbow Cay and headed to Guana with a short stop in Man-O-War but since it was Sunday we knew the island would be closed.  After heading out of the channel Eugene the fishing God  knew something was swimming nearby.  He dropped a line in and within seconds had a bite.  Personally, I think the skills of our captain contributed but I'll let them argue that until Fantasy Football season starts again.  Anyways, he landed a beauty - a 13 pound mutton snapper....And Hannah ducked!  Since we weren't planning to cook that night, Eugene reluctantly let him live.

Since it was Sunday and there was nothing else to do, we brought our friends to Nippers for the Pig Roast.  They hated it.  Won't ever go back.  (We couldn't get them to leave!)

It was very sad to go back to Marsh Harbor and let them go back to their hotel and get ready for an early morning flight.  We kept them as long as we could and even had the guest dolphin appear behind the boat to end their weekend in the Abacos!  Eugene was the only one with a camera when the dolphin came by so we will wait for him to post it.  It was quite a sight to see all of us running up and down the dock following a dolphin and her babe.  So much fun!!  Susan learned how to blow the conch horn - well done!!

Thank you so much for coming to visit Eugene and Susan.  See you this summer!


  1. You know I am not a passive vacationer. I tend to judge the success of my sojourns based on my physical condition upon my return. Given my sprained toe, sore back, numerous cuts, scrapes and slightly infected lacerations, minor burns, the two-day hangover and my severely bruised liver - I'd say my trip to the Abacos to visit the Welsh family was a smashing success!

    It was also fun to teach Jay some things about fishing - after repairing his poorly mistreated reel and demonstrating some trolling techniques - how does it go? "Give a man a fish and you feed him for today. Teach him to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day"???

    Thanks again to our cruiser hosts Jay, Gail, Hannah, Emily and Patrick - we had such a great time and can't wait to see you guys again on the Cape!

    (Gail - I will try emailing the dolphin video or let me know how to post it to the blog.)

  2. Hey guys,

    So glad you finally made it to cracker p's.

    We are having a blast reading the blog and wishing we were still there with you.

    Two pilings is the reef we told you about...we call it junkanoo reef. Who knew it had a real name?

    Way to go on the Mutton, we trolled all over without getting one. On a yellow jig?

    Doug, Jen, Bryce and Simon
