Monday, May 23, 2011

Hopetown Harbor, Elbow Cay and a day at Sandy Cay

Hello everyone!

It is Monday May 23rd.  We had an amazing weekend.  We left Marsh Town on Friday and headed out to Elbow Cay.  We took a mooring in Hopetown Harbor and began looking for sea turtles because we were told it was a great place to see them.  We did not have any luck the first day and Emily was very disappointed!  We woke up on Saturday morning (Patrick's birthday!) and began our day of exploring.  We started with the Elbow Reef lighthouse and ambled up the 101 steps to sweeping views of the harbor, the Atlantic Ocean and the Sea of Abaco.
Notice our boat on the left side of this photo!
After the lighthouse we went into town and explored a wonderful place called the Hopetown Harbor Lodge where the kids swam while Jay and I planned the day.  One of the wonderful things about the resorts on the islands is the beaches are public and you can access them through the resorts.  If you have lunch or a drink, you can use the pool as well.  We think this is a wonderful thing!

We left Hopetown Harbor sooner than expected because friends we have met from Florida, aboard the "Morgan", called us on our radio to tell us they were anchored in a beautiful spot on Tilloo bank so after ice cream and lunch, we left the harbor and headed out to Tilloo.  Luckily, there were many turtles in the harbor and we spotted them on the way back to the boat and while we were preparing too leave.  Emily reported 7 turtles near the boat!  Yeah!!

We anchored in Tilloo with our friends the Cole's and everyone took a turn Wakeboarding!  We kayaked and saw some amazing starfish and rays.  Other friends the Ruddimans, from British Columbia were in the area aboard "Mango Groove" - the catamaran they have been living on since October.  We had a get together for Patrick's birthday and all the kids enjoyed watching a movie!

On Sunday, we headed to a spot called Sandy Cay, not far from Tilloo bank to snorkel.  It was absolutely amazing!  We anchored where it was deep enough for the boat and then took the dinghy into the more shallow reef area.  I used my underwater camera for some pictures and it's obvious that I need some practice with it!  I was able to capture the color of the coral pretty well and a puffer fish that followed us around!!

Puffer fish among the choral

Emily practicing her snorkel/scuba dives

Hannah's version of flying!
Patrick scoping out the fish

After the snorkeling, we all went to Tahiti Beach for some rest and relaxation where our friend Christina from British Columbia taught everyone how to open coconuts!  Unfortunately, they were all rotten but it did not ruin the fun - or the education.  We picked two more from the beach to open today.

It was a very busy and wonderful weekend which we ended by cooking on the beach with everyone and sharing what we all had aboard our boats.  The grownups and kids all sat together and shared stories about our homes and our families and friends.  It felt like we had all known each other for years instead of just a few days.  I guess the common thread of exploring and boating (and sleeping in sandy sheets!) can bring people together like that.  We continue to be so thankful to be here.

Love to all, 
The Welsh Family


  1. Love it all! Hope you continue to have great weather & fun explorations! HAPPY BIRTHDAY PATRICK!!!!!! The pictures are great & we are truly enjoying reading about your trips - Hope the kids are keeping up with their journals & pictures too - what a terrific memory this will be for them all! Have a great week - we are still cold & rainy here so be very thankful that you chose this spring to be down there - yuck - wish we could join you :) Love from the Koeppe crew!

  2. Happy Birthday Patty!!!

    Your trip looks simply AMAZING!!! Keep up with the updates, we are all enjoying reading about your adventure!! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!! Perfect spring to miss in Hopkinton with all the rain.
    Love The DiNicola's

  3. Happy Birthday Patrick!!!! Big hugs from England!

    Looks like you're having so much fun - the blog and photos are great :-)

    Love Sophie xo

  4. Wow!! Happy Birthday from Elmwood School in Hopkinton! It is so great that you have met other families who are traveling on boats too! What a wonderful social life and who knew the kids would be able to have friends as well as amazing experiences?? Love the family and scenic pnotos and the puffer fish in coral looks great!
    Thanks so much for posting so we could feel as if we were there with you! Miss you all!! Love and hugs, Margie and Molly

  5. Happy Birthday Patrick!! Looks like you guys are having an awesome time. Everything looks so beautiful.

  6. Hi Family,
    I am so glad you are getting some good snorkling. Our first experience in West End was just a taste of more to come. I wish I were there to share it with you.

    It is wonderful to hear about the families you are meeting. I am sure there is never a dull moment.

    Lucy is doing well and walking/running with Opa every day. They are both keeping fit and trim. Dawn is batting tennis balls to her every night. We think she should talk to the Orioles. They always need help!!!!

    Keep the stories and pictures coming.


  7. Hi Gail, I love the blog! I'm living vicariously (as are many other Elmwood faculty and staff), through your adventures! Dave
