Monday, May 9, 2011

A Successful Crossing!

Happy Monday!
Yesterday, Mother's Day, at 7:15 am we left Sailfish Marina in Palm Beach and headed east!  A mere three hours later, we arrived in West End, Grand Bahamas at the Old Bahama Bay Resort and Marina!  We were greeted by a fabulous local named Lucille who later gave us the most wonderful home made bread - (a rival to Beth Feather's) !  We tied up and began to explore paradise!

Let me back up and add that we never dreamed the crossing of the Gulf Stream would be as smooth as it was but it was one of those lucky days where the ocean looked like a pond!  Sailors would have been very upset - (sorry Pearsons!) we were thrilled!  Patrick had a ball driving the boat and felt very proud to have been such a big help.  We have wasted no time - the children are practicing their snorkeling techniques and can't believe what they have seen already from the beach of this fabulous resort.  We could easily spend a lot more time here - and just might on the way home.  Later today we will be leaving for "the next adventure" - as Jay's mom called it, Great Sale Cay where we will anchor and "rough it" a bit.

Thanks for all the good wishes as we made the journey across yesterday. More soon....Gail

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